Teachers' area
VideoEle offers plenty of audiovisual material to enrich your teaching of Spanish and help your students learn more
It can be useful to:
*Introduce a variety of activities in your classes with attractive audiovisual material.
*Complement other educational material used providing further variety to your course.
*Be used in the classroom either with a projector, interactive whiteboard or whether students work individually with computers.
*Be used in the IT classroom of the university, school or other educational institution where the teaching takes place.
*Support self-access learning in the classroom or any other educational institution.
Support students as they work at home if they have an internet connection.
It is easy to choose the video which best fits your needs. You can consult the table of contents for each one of the four levels. In these tables you can find a summary of the vocabulary, grammatical points as well as cultural background information to be covered on each video.
See the table of contents for level A1, level A2, level B1 or level B2 and select the video which best fit your objectives, the syllabus or students’ personal interests.
The main part of the course contains videos which have support material in PDF format: transcripts, resource booklets and answer booklets. These files are free and they can be downloaded in PDF format, photocopied and distributed to your students. VideoEle is free, it will be enough to mention where you found the material.
Videos have an approximate duration of 3 to 6 minutes. Each video emphasises a specific vocabulary point or communicative function as well as grammatical and cultural elements
In class, be sure to point out to students the various images of Spanish life which are included in every video.
In this document, your students will be able to read word by word what has been said in the video.
In the first instance, it is preferable that students listen to the video, pause it or watch it as many times you think necessary. Students should be encouraged to understand as much as possible. Afterwards, you can provide them with the transcript so that they can read it. When necessary help them to solve any doubts which they may have about the text and ensure they understand it.
These will help you make the most of the videos’ images and soundtrack with their relevant main linguistic and cultural aims. All proposed activities can be adapted to suit the needs of your students.
You can download and print the resource booklet for free. All videos have the following structure:
Antes de visionar (Before watching the video)
These activities activate prior knowledge which students have on the topic, direct their attention towards the main topic of the video and prepare them so they can have a better understanding of the video.
Mientras visionas (Whilst watching the video)
This section has activities to which they must pay attention while watching the video.
Después de visionar (After watching the video)
This section is where the majority of activities can be found. Ask your students to complete them with the information they can remember. If you deem appropriate, you can organize students in pairs or small groups so that each student can contribute with the information he/she remembers.
If students cannot answer all the questions after the first viewing of the video, simply use the controls on the video player and watch it again, stop it, go backwards or forwards as many times as you think necessary, until the students can complete all the activities.
Para aprender más (To learn more)
This section offers other optional activities which can help deepen students´ understanding of the contents of the video. Sometimes this section previews contents of the next level.
Your students can work with VideoEle independently, at home, or in the IT classroom or self-access learning classroom in your educational institution. In this case, they can correct their answers themselves.
If some of the sections within the work booklet have not been fully completed, left blank or the students have made lots of errors you can advise them to learn from their own mistakes.
Some activities present several possible answers which are indicated by the phrase Posible respuesta. In this case, we recommend that the teacher reviews the students’ answers.
At the bottom of the learning unit you will find a screen with a wide range of interactive learning activities. These activities will help consolidate the most important learning objectives of the video and should be completed after watching the video.
Please note that you will find an "i" icon on the upper right corner of the screen. If you click on this icon, a report will appear with all the activities which have been completed by the students, together with their scores for each activity.
Text translated by Carmen Castro.