VideoEle in YouTube
Visit VideoEle's channel in YouTube
VideoEle has a service channel in YouTube which has currently more than 100 000 subscribers. Here you can do several things:
* You can subscribe to the service channel in order to receive an email every time a new video is created.
* You can rate any video by leaving a comment you think appropriate. Offensive comments will be deleted.
* You can write a comment on the service channel and read those comments which have already been left by other Spanish teachers and students.
* You can share your VideoEle experience with other Spanish teachers by providing whatever information you want, for example: the country you teach in; your students’ age; the number of your students; the videos you use; your opinion of the work booklets and so on.
* You can contact VideoEle and send a message.-
* You can subscribe to the service channel in order to receive an email every time a new video is created.
Text translated by Carmen Castro.